Chouraqui, Eugéne, "Formal Expression of the Evolution of Knowledge", 1983


In this paper we present a formal system S∆, in order to characterise the evolution of knowledge. In addition to the connectors of classical logic, we introduce two dynamic connectors- the mediate future and the immediate future-expressing the transformations that may affect data in the course of time. The axiomatisation of these connectors and their semantic characterisation lead us to define a model of interpretation for the formal system which is comparable to that of Kripke for modal logic. With this model we prove the intrinsic consistence and the validity of S∆. Similarly we demonstrate completeness and other propositions connecting the immediate future and the mediate future.The formal system S∆ is one of the component modules of the ARCHES system, a symbolic system for the representation and treatment of knowledge whose objective is to produce new knowledge through two modes of reasoning-deduction and analogy-based upon specific processes of inference.

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  • 1983
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