Sedehi, Habib with Paola Valli and Paolo Verrecchia, "Dynamic Models for Planning Tourist Complexes", 1983


Planning tourist facilities is a highly complex task. It is necessary to evaluate carefully, with an interdisciplinary approach, all the variables of a technical, architectural, commercial, economical and financial nature that may be involved in a given project, without however ignoring the natural resources of the environment where facilities are to be set up. For a correct evaluation, these resources must be considered limited and seen as a wealth that can be exploited but not wasted, used but not destroyed. The approach outlined above is all the more important in countries like Italy, for instance, where there is a risk of over-exploiting the natural resources of the environment. In all but exceptional cases, an evaluation that does not take the above principles into account will result in a tourist enterprise that is ultimately a failure, as it degrades, often irreparably, the natural environment until it ceases to be an adequate source of revenue. This paper describes an integrated approach which provides, by means of simulation techniques, tools for a proper implementation of tourist facilities taking into due account all the variables and constraints involved, and likewise for the assessment by the Public Administration authorities of the wisdom and soundness of projects submitted to them for approval.

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  • 1983
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