De Greene, Kenyon B., "Equilibrium, Critical Points, and Structural Stability and Change in System Dynamics and Systems Science", 1983


The need for grand unifying principles of the evolution of societal systems is stressed. Examples of such principles from other sciences are given. The economic long-wave or Kondratieff cycle is taken as a reference basis for the study fo the evolution of contemporary technological societies. A number of qualifications to the basic paradigm are made. Several areas of recent structural stability theory are discussed in terms their relevance to societal evolution. Particular stress is placed on the nonequilibrium and bifurcation situations. Structure-function-behavior interrelationships at and near critical points are considered the most important features pertinent to system change or reconfiguration. Attempts are made to provide a fuller integrated theory of societal evolution and structural change. A number of problems relative to system dynamics theory and modeling, and to the use of models in societal management, are introduced and suggestions for improvements are made.

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  • 1983
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