Mora, J.C. with R.S Bes, "Cross Analysis of Dynamic Modelling of an Economical Energy System and a Dissipative Physical System", 1992


Actual Dissipative Systems are not workable without energy supply and energy dissipation. Among these systems are economical systems as well physical system such as fluidized bed. A System Dynamics Analysis of a simple macro- economical system related to the energy sector of a country shows causal loops including energy supplies. This analysis can applied to a fluidized bed. This system is a classical engineering dynamic system. Due to its complexity it has been highly investigated on the basis of time averaged regimes but a few studies exist about the true dynamical aspect. This is mainly due to the fact that the basic equations are complex. Several length and time scales exist simultaneously. The theoretical equations should comprise the classical hydrodynamic equations for fluid containing solid particles in suspension. The complete set of theoretical equations is for the time being not available. From analogies with the economical systems it is possible to identify causal loops which are not usually considered in the classical modelling of a fluidized bed, i.e. interaction with energy supply. Introducing this phenomena and using a very simple equation it is possible to show that space structuration can occur. Then by using a simplified non-linear hydrodynamic equation a chaotic complex behavior, in agreement with experiments, can be simulated. The analysis of the model shows that one of the origin of the difficulties to use the models lies in the existence of several time and space scales. This kind of analysis is helpful to understand fluctuant behavior of many other systems including economical systems.

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  • 1992
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