Beijdorff, R.O., "Development of a Policy-Supporting Simulation Model of the Records Management System of the Dutch Public Authorities", 1986


The Dutch public authorities are confronted with large backlogs in processing the archives of their services. In view of this, the Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for coordination of these processing activities, wanted to have a planning model for simulation, in a quantitative sense, of the archives movements within the public administration. The underlying thought was that such a model would enable problems in the fields of depot space, cost structure, allocation expertise and processing speed to be approached in a more adequate manner. A first exploration of the problem area (October 1984 - April 1985) showed that the quantitative problem of the processing backlogs is to a great extent affected by qualitative processes within the records management system and between said system and the client system. It was concluded that a planning model focused on quantitative factors cannot make an effective contribution towards solving the problems as the effects of measures aimed solely at efficiency will in the long run be affected adversely by qualitative processes. When the study was continued (September 1985 – April 1986), it was therefore decided to further investigate the processes of a more qualitative nature and to analyse their coherence. The results obtained provide a first step towards development of a simulation model for the records management system which, while supporting the relevant policies in this field, forms a tool for determining the, effects of policy changes in the system both in the short and in the long run.

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Date created
  • 1986
Processing Activity License


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System Dynamic Society Records

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