Chen, Fiona Feng, "A New Kind of Sensitivity Testing in System Dynamics Modeling for Sensitive Results from Aggregation Assumptions", 1983


This study has illustrated that simulating an aggregate model, using the same data set at the same level of aggregation, can lead to different model conclusions when different aggregation criteria are applied. This study's conclusion to the effect of aggregation of individuals can have significant influence on the results of the model is expected to have different implications for system-dynamics modeling. For the field of system-dynamics modeling, the study has identified a kind of model sensitivity that can not be tested by the methods of sensitivity testing presently used. For future research in the field, the concept of aggregation of individuals has to be clearly established and differentiated from the concept of aggregation of variables before general rules for this type of sensitivity testing can be identified. Similar sensitivity testing should be adopted in the system-dynamics modeling technique. If this has not been done, this simulation approach should be interpreted conservatively. This paper also discusses the problem of whether a universal aggregation scheme is the only highest aggregation scheme.

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  • 1983
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