Kim, Daniel H. with Gary Burchill, "System Archetypes as a Diagnostic Tool: A Field-based Study of TQM Implementations", 1992


System dynamics provides an important set of principles and methods for helping people gain a better understanding of complex systems. The use of computer simulation models is often positioned as the culminating outcome of most system dynamics efforts. As a field, system dynamics has traditionally downplayed the usefulness of simple pen and paper level tools because the real value is perceived to be in the computer model. Total Quality Management (TQM), on the other hand, utilizes almost exclusively, pen and paper types of tools and has had a high level of successes in having them used widely. This is the case despite the fact that causal loop diagrams and systems archetypes often capture a much richer picture of a system than most TQM diagramming tools. In this paper, we outline a general approach to diagnosis using systems archetype, causal loop diagrams, and semantics in the development of a structured process for mapping organizational change efforts.

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  • 1992
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