Toval, A. with A. Requena, S. Martinez and J. Monreal, "Murcia A/I, a Mixed System Dynamics and Linear Programming Model for Regional Investment Planning", 1986


When distribution of economic goods, equipments, ... takes place among different regions, it is expected to carry out in an optimal way, considering "optimal" the way of distribution that assigns more to the neediest regions; thus, numerous factors such as economic conditions, actual equipments, social conditions, population, etc, should be taken into account. The presented model has a double aim: firstly to show the present behaviour of distribution system of investment in Comunidad Autonoma de Murcia, regionally, and secondly to get this distribution to optimize a linear function that represents the regional social welfare as a consequence of the social welfare in each region of the Community and dependent on linear constraints. To reach these objectives, a mixed model that combines both System Dynamics and Linear Programming techniques is constructed; a relation between both procedures is established in order to simulate both the natural behaviour of the distribution system and those decisions that make this distribution to be optimal. Along this report the method carried out to handle mixed models as well as the particular model MURCIA A/I are described.

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  • 1986
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