Breiter,Andres E, "Dynamics of Company Excellence Through Motivation of Employees", 1990


Excellence of organizations over time requires high performance on the job by ever broader groups of employees. As technology evolves and population’s education improves typical employees are required less and less frequently to perform mechanical tasks or even to make limited repetitive decisions. The trend is for humans to carry out jobs with an ever greater context of complex analysis, creativity or non programmable decisions or human interactions. These activities can be performed on a consistent level of excellence only by well directed and highly motivated people.A schematic model is proposed that generalizes observations and actual experience on how management may ensure that the essential conditions for outstanding job performance by all individuals within an organization be realized consistently over time.Outstanding job performance over time occurs when: an adequate match between job requirements and individual skills and attitudes exists, a strong motivation is felt by all individuals, the social climate is favorable to excellent job performance and adequate equipment to do the job is available. These conditions are the result of complex dynamic interactions by viewing them as an integrated system.Employees’ motivation, development, growth in responsibilities and mutual trust between employees and management are a key portion of the model. Substantial attention is given to interactive shaping of realistic expectations regarding job conditions, self realization and compensation, both material and psychological.The management most likely to achieve excellence appears to be the one that sees its role as that of generating wealth, providing wellbeing for employees and distributing wealth fairly between shareholders and employees.

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  • 1990
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