Franco, Douglas, "Strategies by System Dynamics", 1993


System provides methods for Strategic Planning and Management. Lyneis (1980) presents robust ways to achieve time based strengths by minimizing delivery delays. Accumulations of matter and information conform the logistics and intelligence of Strategic Planning. Policies and Strategies are both rules to manage the system. The interaction with the environment is common to both fields and inclusion of the decision makers within the system enhances the strategic scope of the analysis. Feedback loops are new elements for Strategic Thinking. Now, they come packed in archetypes that are basic components of strategy formulation. s expand methods traditionally used by Strategic Planners, for instance the BCG matrix used to allocate investments. Peter Senges (1990) Fifth Discipline is a good example of a combination between the System Dynamics and Organizational learning, a traditional component of strategy development. Dynamics can also profit from Strategic Management. Managers are more familiar with Strategic planning than they are with Dynamics. So, it is a way to call the manager's attention. Besides, the organizational use of Strategic Planing at the top of the organization opens the door of company headquarters to System Dynamicist. However, some caution is necessary to improve the use of the discipline by the learning managers.

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  • 1993
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