Georgantzas, Nicholas with Nadezhda Peeva and Howard Weinberg, "Disruptive Innovation Diffusion", 2005 July 17-2005 July 21


An exploratory system dynamics (SD) model presents disruptive innovation diffusion as a replicable process that can spawn business growth for d, Inc., a company that offers an over the air digital subscription TV service. Building on diffusion processes in epidemiology, marketing and sociology, the eight-sector SD model shows customer switching in the high-and low-end and non-consumption markets that disruptive innovators exploit. As extreme-condition scenarios test its robustness, the model shows performance results for the multiple market penetration and defense tactics that disrupter and incumbent firms execute through time. In a relentless hunt for superior performance and a sea of external-change triggers and internal-change levers, d, Inc. takes on cable operators who overlook low-end markets and devote their attention to and invest in higher-end tiers, their service tailored to more demanding customers. But low-end markets cannot absorb sustaining innovations that exceed what non-consumers need or know how to exploit. The results show that despite the high environmental turbulence, market risk and uncertainty facing d, Inc., being in a market that blends its commercial and technological competence with discontinuity and instability transients suggests ample opportunity for sustainable disruptive growth, even if markets contract.

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  • 2005 July 17-2005 July 21
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