Umar, Imrana with Ozgur Ozkan, "Workshop: Strategy Communication with ExTrain®", 2005 July 17-2005 July 21


System dynamics models are being used by more and more businesses to train employees from new hires to veteran managers, communicate strategic change within the company, share mental models between stakeholders and align business perspectives between business units. Advances in computer technologies help this process to a great extent by enabling users to interact with models more effectively and efficiently. This workshop will introduce you to ExTrain(r), one such technology that facilitates the use of simulation models in strategy communication and management training. The ExTrain(r) is a web-based application platform that serves as a virtual practice field for managers to exercise decision-making power under various business conditions in a risk-free environment. ExTrain(r) applications can be used in individual online simulation sessions or within a facilitated environment with interaction from trainers. Each application is also supported with a facilitation tool that allows trainers to monitor simulation progress, user performance and intervene if necessary. In this workshop, we will introduce you to the ExTrain(r) platform and its new features from a user perspective. You will also get a chance to learn more about the integration and maintenance of simulation models within ExTrain(r) environment. There will also be a hands-on demonstration of the system where participants will take part in a sample war-game application. Participants will be divided into four teams, each of which will take control of a virtual technology company. Starting on level ground, you will compete for revenue growth while maximizing profit through various business decisions. Facilitation will be provided to help you understand the key business dynamics and formulate your strategy.

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  • 2005 July 17-2005 July 21
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