Breiter, Andres Esteban, "Is Systems Dynamics Rate of Diffusion Slow?", 1986


This paper examines the causes and effects that interact to determine the rate the causes and effects that of Systems Dynamics diffusion. The use of Systems Dynamics implies both a way of conceptualizing the models of existing systems and the use of such models to gain a better understanding of the systems' behaviour.Given the high potential of Systems Dynamics to aid in understanding a very wide variety of systems in many areas of human endeavour the Systems Dynamics practitioners worry regularly about its slow propagation and frequently express anxiety about the future of the field. They tend to forget, however, that the potential usefulness of their approach is obvious to them but is hard to appreciate by the would be users and eventual beneficiaries of the improved solutions derived from applications of their expertise.This paper focuses on the causes and effects that in the authors' opinion interact in the diffusion of Systems Dynamics and suggests actions that may eventually help to accelerate the process of its broad adoption.

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Date created
  • 1986
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