Quaadgras, Anne, "Building Large Dynamic Models for Fun and Profit", 1990


Building large dynamic simulation model of an industry requires sound organizing principles and appropriate tools combined with a thorough understanding of the industry being modeled. In this paper I will describe how we build a simulation model for a client’s business to answer the client’s key strategic questions.The models are large because they are based on physical, observable phenomena in the industry. They must take into account the stocks and flows of product and money as well as represent managers’ decision-making processes and the key variables that impact each producer’s decisions. Most corporate decisions are based on physical or financial parameters, so the model structure is clearly understandable to the final user.At Federal Group we use an effective methodology for building large-scale structural dynamic simulation models to address the real world problems of business decision makers. This paper presents how we have successfully constructed such models for oligopolistic, capital-intensive industries. However, our methodology can be generalized to a broad range of other business environments.

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  • 1990
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