Persona, Alessandro with Fabio Sgarbossa, Maurizio Faccio and Daria Battini, "The Logistic Game®", 2007 July 29-2007 August 2


Abstract The aim of this paper is to describe an innovative Logistic Game® developed by the authors. It creates a competition between different teams in terms of strategic decisions in logistic and production problems in a real production system. The game is innovative in three ways. The first is the type of game. It is a game representing a production and logistic system, with the dynamic problems of a real system where, with finite resources, decisions have a relevant impact on performance. The second is the application of a simulation package to create the real scenario in which the competition develops, with the possibility to consider all factors (WIP, down times, line balancing, skills of person, etc). The third is its possible applications, since the game can be used not only as an educative facility, but also as a tool to assess the management skills of a future/present manager to face real and dynamic logistic problems.

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  • 2007 July 29-2007 August 2
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