Pugh, Alexander L.,"A New Generation of DYNAMOs", 1984


The emergence of powerful personal computers and CAD/CAM machines offers a new opportunity for DYNAMO. Although users are generally satisfies with the language, a survey shows they want expanded simulation capabilities including single simulations, eigenvalue analysis, sensitivity analysis, and the optimization by multiple simulation and hill climbing. Novices want easier access to models and simulation. The modular version of DYNAMO now in development will meet these goals. It will break DYNAMO’s normal functions into separate programs that users can reassemble in different ways. For example, one compiler will translate both conventional models and games. The simulation controller will work with a regular rerun, a game, or a sensitivity analysis package. The report generator will display output from any of these packages. These modules will communicate through standard data files, which users can also access for other purposes such as statistical analysis.

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Date created
  • 1984
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