Gaynor, Alan K. with Karl H. Clauset, "Implementing Effective School Improvement Policies: A System Dynamics Policy Analysis", 1983


At the last System Dynamics research conference held in the United States, we presented a paper which described a computer simulation model of an elementary school. The purpose of the model was to examine the structural differences between schools which are effective and ineffective for what we have come to call “initially low-achieving children.” In that paper (Clauset & Gaynor, 1981), in a subsequent paper (Clauset and Gaynor, 1982), and in a book manuscript (Clauset and Gaynor, in preparation), we have described in varying degrees of details tests which examined a number of school improvement policies. Policies testes included the following: Changing policies affection time allocations, Improving teacher skills, Encouraging teachers to  place more emphasis on low achievers, Raising teacher expectations for low-achievers, Improving classroom of school-wide behavior, Changing class size, Changing the demographics of the student body (e.g., size low achievers).

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  • 1983
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