Di Stefano, Julia, "From Control to Chaos: A System Dynamics model of Interpersonal Communication", 1995


The current interest in learning organizations makes clear the need for more open, more collaborative communication practices in the workplace. "To compete in today's fast moving business environment," says one corporate communication expert, "organization must create a culture of shared understanding" (Locke, 1992,245). However, a major obstacle to facilitating open communication and the generation of new ideas required in learning organizations is the inadequacy of traditional communication models. These models tend to use information for control in organizations; to see information as signals or bits separate from meaning; to see the brain as analogous to a computer; and to seek accurate transmission and replication of messages rather than creation of new information. The purpose of this paper is to show that the confluence model of negotiating differences in interpretation is better suited to understanding interpersonal communication than the traditional cybernetic and information theory models based on Wiener and Shannon and Weaver. Furthermore, it argues that information for control is an outdated model that binds us to old scripts, to replicating traditional patterns rather than creating new ones.

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  • 1995
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