Park, Jung-Yeon with Namsung Ahn, Yong-Beum Yoon, Kyung-ho Koh and Derek Bunn, "Investment Incentives in the Korean Electricity Market", 2007 July 29-2007 August 2


This paper develops a model-based analysis of the effects of various capacity incentive systems on new investment in the Korean electricity market. The restructuring process in Korea allocated power generation to six firms, competing within a wholesale market, albeit strictly on a cost basis. Because of this cost-based pool, capacity payments were also introduced to encourage new investment. However, it is an open question whether the current fixed capacity payment scheme is enough to secure resource adequacy and consideration is being given to alternative mechanisms such as the use of LOLP. Using a detailed market simulation model, based on system dynamics, we compare these approaches in terms of how they may influence the investors’ decisions and thereby determine the system reserve margin. The simulation results suggest that there may be serious problems is staying with the current fixed capacity payments in order to achieve resource adequacy. In contrast an LOLP based capacity mechanism may, in the longer term, increase the reserve margin compared to a fixed capacity payment. More generally, this paper indicates how crucial the effective modeling of the investment behavior of the independent power producers is for adequate policy support, even if they only constitute a fringe in a substantially centrally influenced market.

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  • 2007 July 29-2007 August 2
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