Protil, Roberto with Reginaldo Barreiros, "Strategic Control of Agro-Industrial Cooperatives: A Strategic Map Proposal", 2012 July 22-2012 July 26


This article discusses about the design of a qualitative model of strategic implementation and control in agro-industrial cooperatives. Based on the concepts of Balanced Scorecard - BSC and System Dynamics - SD, and considering the corporate features of cooperatives as people societies and not capital societies, the article proposes a strategic map, which presents up variables that represent the critic processes in strategic management for these organizations, as well as identifying causal relations hypothesis between the variables. From the concepts of BSC, the map is built with the four traditional perspectives: financial; customers; internal process; growth and learning; and adding two other important perspectives: the social perspective and the member relationship perspective. From the concepts of SD, the map is qualitatively built, predicting the complexity of strategic control, in accordance to the need of conciliation and balance of economic goals between the organization and its members. From the proposed strategic map, the goal is to proceed with the research, defining new indicators of each variable in the map, as well as its adaptation and application towards cooperatives, through the action-research method. The qualitative model can also serves as a conceptual basis for future parameterization and simulation of a quantitative model.

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  • 2012 July 22-2012 July 26
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