van Daalen, Cornelia with Pieter Bots, Michelle Hendriks and Jill Slinger, "Translating Insights from a Causal Loop Diagram into a Game", 2005 July 17-2005 July 21


This paper concerns a project of limited scope to study why innovations in health care often fail to be adopted and how this may be improved. The project consisted of two workshops with participants from different areas of health care. The objective was to identify factors influencing adoption of innovations, relating the factors to each other, and looking for measures to stimulate the adoption of innovations. During the first workshop, possible effects of innovations and prerequisites for adopting innovations were identified and prioritised. This resulted in draft causal loop diagrams. During the second workshop, refined diagrams were used to identify measures for stimulating the adoption of innovations. In addition, a game incorporating the results of the workshops was developed. The main causal mechanisms were translated into the game which can be played by people who work in health care to improve their understanding of some of the dynamics involved.

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  • 2005 July 17-2005 July 21
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