Mollona, Edoardo with Stefano Armenia, "SYDIC: System Dynamics Italian Chapter Poster Presentation", 2007 July 29-2007 August 2


The final design and development of the System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) new website continue to be in progress. At Communication Sciences faculty Rome University “La Sapienza”, the SD course has been confirmed and more than 50 students were introduced to System Dynamics methodology and development of simulation modelling. There has been continues academic activities developed by Chapter members (here reported) in the field all over the country. University of Bologna –Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences – Dynamics of Complex Organisations course University of Siena – Department of Social and Business Studies – Governance and Management Control course University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Faculty of Communication Sciences – Advanced degree in Enterprise Communication – System Theory and Dynamic Simulation Modelling course University of Rome “La Sapienza”– Master at Faculty of Statistics Sciences – Department of Data Intelligence and Strategic Decisions – Integrative lessons in SD University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Faculty of Economics – Department of Enterprise Studies University of Rome “Tor Vergata”– Faculty of Engineering – Department of Enterprise Engineering – Enterprise Production Processes Modelling & Service System Modelling course and Master in Network System Engineering – Integrative lessons in SD ENI Corporate University – Mattei School of Management – Master in Energy and Environmental Economics and Management - Integrative lessons in SD

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