DiStefano, Julia M.,"Focus on FeedbackApplication of System Dynamics to Public Speaking", 1984


The interaction between the speaker and his audience is a subject of universal interest, especially to professionals. It is a subject, moreover, requiring a dynamic method of analysis. This paper presents a conceptual model of public speaking. The purpose of this preliminary study is to identify the essential factors needed for (1) the effective delivery of a prepared speech in a conversational manner and (2) the growth of the speaker's abilities over time. As a result of my preliminary analysis of the feedback loops operating during a technical presentation, my approach to teaching novice speakers has changed. One benefit of my new approach is that it accelerates the process by which novices develop the competencies they need to give successful informative speeches. Further study of the interaction between speaker and audience using System Dynamics will contribute significantly to our understanding of human communication.

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  • 1984
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