Wang, Cuixia with Ren'an Jia and Xiaojing Jia, "SD Approaches for Feedback Dynamic Complexity Analysis", 2010 July 25-2010 July 29


Feedback dynamic complexity is an important feature of complex systems. Professor Jia Renan and his SD group began their study of the theory and application of SD feedback dynamic complexity analysis method since 1985, and proposed a series of approaches successively, which have constructed an approach system of SD feedback dynamic complexity analysis of complex systems. Four major functions of SD feedback dynamic complexity analysis were extracted in this paper, which are formulating feedback model for the system problem; constructing feedback model for Successful case; simulation; feedback loops calculation and management policy analysis. Many questions and further study on each of the four functions were respectively proposed. The paper is also a SD research summary of the group for nearly three decades. We believe that there will be many benefits for the system dynamics community in developing the method system of SD feedback dynamic complexity analysis.

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  • 2010 July 25-2010 July 29
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