Singh, N. with D. Prasad,"A System Dynamics Approach to the Analysis of Indian Cement Industry", 1984


The production of cement pays the most important role in all the construction activities in the country. Due to rapid growth in the industrialisation and the development there is fast growing internal demand of cement. However, cement industry in India has not been able to cope up with the demand. Therefore, it is essential to study the demand and production aspects in order to evolve strategies to meet the demand. For this purpose, a System Dynamics model for cement production is developed. The production model is run for 16 years covering a period from 1974 to 1990 at three conditions, such as basic, optimistic and pessimistic. The different sensitivity runs are also carried out by changing the different parameters influencing the production. Different scenarios are generated and the gap between demand and production is analysed at different conditions. It is observed that this gap is closed under certain conditions.

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  • 1984
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