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Included in this series are full-length manuscripts of plays by Paul Amann, novels by Michael Wurmbrand and Frederic McLean, uncorrected proofs of novels by Lion Feuchtwanger, Heinrich Hauser, and Gnther Weisenborn, and a monograph by Mario Domandi. Also included are numerous shorter manuscripts on subjects ranging including youth topics (Jugendbewegung), resistance (Widerstand), and post-war Germany.


The Graebner series is of interest to researchers in the history of anthropology and ethnology, and specifically those concerned with the cultural-historical approach to ethnology which Graebner spearheaded. Graebner was Leser's mentor and perhaps the greatest influence on his academic career and scholarly interests; Leser remained loyal to Graebner's anthropological methodology even after it had fallen out of favor in academic circles.


Around the time of Schaefer's break with Munitalp, the American Meteorological Society (AMS, of which Schaefer was a member) approached him to inquire about the possibility of setting up a summer science program for promising high school students. They decided on the existing Loomis School in Windsor, Connecticut as the location for their summer program, which began in 1959 with the support of the National Science Foundation. Schaefer and his colleagues wanted to give academically strong students with a particular interest in science the opportunity to attend extra lectures and, more importantly, experiment with hands-on projects of their choosing. Schaefer and his AMS associates hoped to cultivate a love of learning and passion for discovery that would encourage teens to follow scientific career paths. Although the program began as a males-only endeavor, it eventually welcomed females into its ranks later in the 1960s.


In the late 1980s, UUP created an "Archives Committee", responsible for creating a plan for the long-term management and preservation of UUP's records. The records of the Archives Committee are included in Series 4 of Subgroup IV, Office of the Secretary. It is unknown if the committee specifically solicited historical documents or if an awareness of the committee and its charge prompted members to send to UUP materials they thought were historically important. Regardless, this series is an eclectic mix of materials relating to the Senate Professional Association, the State University Federation of Teachers, the State University Professional Association, and UUP. It reflects activities both statewide and on individual campuses and includes correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, negotiations proposals, handwritten notes, and workshop handouts. The records document some of the activities of the American Association of University Professors on SUNY campuses; mailings received by members of SPA welcoming them to that organization and informing them of the issues of the day; meetings of SUFT and SUPA; SPA's negotiations in the early 1970s and UUP's negotiations in the late 1970s; and some of the materials distributed to its leadership at the many workshops UUP has held over the years. One folder in the series documents student strikes on the SUNY Albany campus in 1970 and the response of faculty to those activities. Some of the materials in this series duplicate those found in Subgroup II, UUP Predecessors and Early UUP Years, and in the negotiations records in Subgroup VI for the applicable contract years. However, some of the campus-specific materials and the correspondence sent by SPA to its members are unique to this series, as are the set of workshop booklets.


There was no discernable order to negotiations materials through the 1988-1991 contract and during processing they were grouped by the individual contract to which they relate. "Collected Materials" was used to describe materials that were grouped together either by date or subject matter prior to processing, or for materials that were not originally in any order but for which a date or topical order could be readily assigned. At some point, possibly during preliminary processing activities, some of the files now designated as "Collected Materials" were reviewed by someone apparently involved in negotiations and approximate dates assigned to some of the materials. These dates have been written in pencil on the documents. Undated materials were left where they were originally found. During processing, indications were found that many of the files in the 1970s were those of Edward J. Alfonsin (UUP's Secretary from June 1975-June 1981 and member of several negotiations teams), and that many of the materials from the 1980s were from Fred Day (one of the field representatives provided to UUP by NYSUT). However, such materials were only designated by creator when that distinction could be confirmed and it was deemed important to understanding the context of the files.


The Jugendbewegung Collection is divided into three sections. The first section contains photocopies of the handwritten account by Wolfgang Kaiser of the activities of the Nerother Bund youth group from October 1928 through the year 1931. The second section contains clippings, materials and some correspondence pertaining to different aspects of the youth movement. The final section contains examples of Jugendbewegung periodicals, primarily from the 1920s and 1930s, but also contains examples of youth-oriented periodicals dating into the 1980s.