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While employed at Arthur D. Little, Dr. Vonnegut built upon his research in atmospheric science. The majority of his work focused on electrification of clouds, thunderstorms, and the behavior of lightning, he also looked at behaviors of gases but on a much smaller scale. Besides pursuing his own research, Dr. Vonnegut worked on a number of advisory projects for the United States government. These projects focused on the relationship between aircrafts and lightning. The main focus was on how aircrafts detect and avoid lightning when flying in a storm.


This series consists primarily of tornado observations and eyewitness accounts solicited from the general public via newspaper advertisements in areas where tornadoes and severe storms frequently occur. They are filed using the original labeling system employed by Dr. Vonnegut, where the date and place of the observation as well as a brief statement on the phenomena is used to identify the observation. Accounts of severe storms found in multiple publications, biblical references, and other historical observations are also present.


Series 7 consists of Dr. Vonnegut's published and unpublished articles, letters to the editor, papers, reviews, reports, and book/encyclopedia chapters. Many files contain the research and data discussed within the work, as well as correspondence with the editor(s) of publications where work was submitted.