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The correspondence in this series consists almost exclusively of photocopies of Graf's letters to and from prominent individuals collected by Mrs. Graf after his death. (Letters of Gisela Graf which continue Graf's correspondence after his death are also included in this series.) Included is a small amount of correspondence with family members, as well as correspondence with: Johannes R. and Lilly Becher, Siegfried Bernfeld, Heinrich Böll, Hermann Broch, Ferdinand Bruckner, Albert Ehrenstein, Albert Einstein, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger, Gustav and Else Fischer, Bruno Frank, Leonhard Frank, Günter Grass, Hugo Hartung, Th. Th. Heine, Hermann Hesse, Franz Jung, Prinz Hubertus zu Löwenstein, Erika, Heinrich, Katja, Klaus and Thomas Mann, Robert Neumann, Rudolf Olden, Rolf Recknagel, Erich Maria Remarque, Will Schaber, Dorothy Thompson, Sergei Tretiakov, Fritz von Unruh, Berthold Viertel, Ernst Waldinger, Wendell L. Wilkie.


This series contains copies of Graf's published and unpublished writings, either in typescript or published form. The novels and story collections are listed first, followed by unpublished longer works, essays and short stories, and miscellaneous other pieces last. The series contains a mixture of original and carbon typescripts, clippings of published writings, and reviews of the individual works.