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This series contains documents, several selections of diary entries, photographs and curriculum vita of Bates. The documents pertaining to Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) date from 1890 to 1974 with later documents pertaining to Barbara Bates (third wife), which date through 1995. Included in the collection are many early documents such as birth certificates, early school documents, marriage certificates from Bates/Bauchwitz' first two marriages in Germany, as well as university and military service documents. Also in the collection are a number of documents which record Bates/Bauchwitz' legal career as well as his subsequent dismissal from his post by the Hitler regime in 1938. His period of flight from Nazi Germany is also well-documented, as well as his early years in the U.S., including his naturalization as a U.S. citizen in 1946. Also included in this section are documents pertaining to his university studies in the U.S. at Columbia, St. John's and New York Universities. Completing the biographical section of this series are a number of curriculum vita, several biographical statements prepared for planned editions of Bates' poetry, as well as a number of photographs.


The correspondence files contain photographs, offprints and clippings in addition to the correspondence (ca. 5,000 letters), which dates primarily from Bates' U.S. years (1941-1974), although a few earlier letters are present in the collection. Several correspondences were continued after Bates' death in 1974 by his widow, Barbara, until as late as 1987. Letters are in German, English and French and have been divided into five sub-series: personal, legal, literary, mental health and drug research, and miscellaneous.


Includes correspondence (2558 letters), as well as related photographs (106 photos), offprints and clippings, of Roy C. Bates (and after his death in 1974 continued by Barbara Bates) with friends and family members. Most notable among the personal correspondents are: Helmut circa Bates (son), wife, Dorit, and children Kenny and Denny; Tyll Bates (son) and wife, Francy; Wilhelm (Willy) and Imma von Bodmershof (née Ehrenfels), which includes correspondence during the early 1950s documenting Bodmershof's efforts to help Bates publish his poetry; Dr. Henry and Doris Brann; Dr. Ilse Bry; Baron Umar Rolf and Mireille Abeille von Ehrenfels, the most extensive correspondence in the collection, dating from 1939-1974 between Ehrenfels and Bates, and continuing between Barbara Bates and Mireille Abeille (1974-1987), documenting their combined efforts to publish Bates' work posthumously; Eva and Hans Friede; Erika Mann (and family members, Golo, Katja, and Klaus), 1940-1962, including legal correspondence over copyright issues in the filming of Thomas Mann's Der Zauberberg; Ilse and Bernhard Reichenbach.

Box 6 (2-correspondence files), Folder 82

Miscellaneous correspondence, dealing with housing and household matters, incl. purchase and repairs, 1947-1974: 28 letters by R.C.Bates (Barbara), 16 replies; also documents concerning the purchase of a house at 996 Canton Avenue, Milton, Massachusetts, 1961-1962. 8 items; real estate tax records.


This sub-series is arranged chronologically by groupings/collections of poetry and epigrammatic verse, and chronologically within each grouping. Main groupings include: Der Lebendige, "Abzieh-Bilderbuch", "Tokyo poems", "Einsätze/Monogriphs", "Gedichte", "Versepigramme", "Silben: Haiku und tanka", "Ego and Echo", and "Der Zitronenbaum". With the exception of the "Monogriphs" and AEgo and Echo" collections, which are in English, the majority of the poems, epigrams and aphorisms are in German.

Box 7 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 38-41

Pages removed from notebook labeled "Leitz I". Contains a mixture of original typescripts and carbons with h. corrections, with some duplicate pages. Also a few handwritten pages. Although many of the items are dated, the pages are not arranged in chronological order, but are hand-numbered 1-747. Items in one section, pp. 231-611, have been individually hand-numbered from 1180-2405.

Box 7 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 42-44

(with the exception of three items, with pencilled dates of 1904, 1905, 1920) (all located in folder 42). Pages removed from an unlabeled Leitz notebook are a mixture of original typescripts and carbons with h. corrections. Although many items are dated, the pages are not arranged in chronological order, nor are they numbered. Items in the last section, pp. 419-709, have been individually hand-numbered from 1-905 (folder 44), dated mainly 1934-1935.

Box 8 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 4

Pages were removed from a Leitz notebook labeled "Leitz IV" and are hand-numbered 1-316. Pages are a mixture of original typescripts and carbons with h. corrections. Also one original Ms. 1p. Although many items are dated, the pages are not arranged in chronological order.

Box 8 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 5

Each page is marked "yb" in upper right corner. None of the poems selected for the Abzieh-Bilderbuch are included in this selection. Typescript cc. 291p.

Box 13 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 21

(published in Psychedelic Review, Cambridge, MA, I, No. 4 (1974), pp. 379-392); earlier drafts of article, dated October 1963. Typescript and cc. with numerous h. corr. 3c. 5p. ea. Another early version. Typescript with h. corr. 7p.

Box 14 (3-manuscripts and typescripts), Folder 1-4

According to the author: "These PEBBLES are rough copy, a daybook of original entry in which are recorded the fleeting accounts of my internal day, in their dis-order".