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This series contains both biographical and autobiographical materials, as well as documents pertaining to Kotschnig's early involvement with the International Student Service (I. S. S.), as well as his later diplomatic career with the U. S. Department of State and the United Nations. In addition to copies of Kotschnig's unpublished autobiography, entitled "The Quest for Survival", the series also contains a four-part chronology of Kotschnig's life, 1901-1956, prepared by his father, Ignaz Kotschnig. The collection also contains numerous clippings, 1927-1972, which document Kotschnig's activities, including his lectures and reviews of his books.

The Walter Maria Kotschnig Papers, 1920-1984, focus on two major aspects of Kotschnig's life, his early career with the International Student Service, 1936-1944, and his diplomatic career with the United States Department of State and the United Nations, 1945-1971, in particular his representation on the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

The correspondence files contain circa 10,910 items of correspondence, arranged in four sub-series: correspondence with individuals connected with the International Student Service and related organizations; general correspondence files; correspondence concerning lecture engagements; Kotschnig's correspondence dating from his years of service with the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations.


This series dates predominately from the years 1933-1944, the years when Kotschnig was both on the faculties of Smith and Mt. Holyoke Colleges and also lecturing throughout the country. The lectures are mainly in the form of handwritten notes, with very few actual typewritten texts. Also in this series are course lecture notes from Kotschnig's courses at Smith, Mt. Holyoke and Harvard-Boston University Extension School, 1937-1944.


This series contains typescripts of chapters of Kotschnig's Unemployment in the Learned Professions, his chapter contributions to the Brookings Institution study published under the title The United Nations and Promotion of the General Welfare, as well as typescripts of early articles in German, typescripts in English of numerous articles, speeches written for others (Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.), and speeches delivered at official Department of State and United Nations functions (including speeches before the United Nations Economic and Social Council, UNESCO, The Economic Commission for Africa and the Far East, ECAFE, and The Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, sessions).