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The Associated Industries of New York State/ Business Council of New York State Records contains documents which were created during the group's 66 years of business. Among the contents are files on the group's former directors, correspondence and legal council records. The records of the association also contain some publications from other sources.
Bill Pelke is a leader in the national death penalty abolition movement. This collection documents Bill Pelke's involvement with Journey of Hope...from Violence to Healing, Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation (MVFR), National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP), Amnesty International, and other organizations committed to ending capital punishment in the United States.

This series contains some documents from Herz's early years in Düsseldorf, includes notebooks from his university courses in Freiburg im Breisgau, Berlin and Heidelberg, as well as documents from his years in Geneva, Switzerland (1935-1938). A large portion of this series is devoted to Herz's autobiographical writings, including travelogues, interviews of Herz by others, and several versions of his autobiography, published in German in 1984 as Vom Überleben. Wie mein Weltbild entstand, and the unpublished English version, On Human Survival.


This series contains documents, several selections of diary entries, photographs and curriculum vita of Bates. The documents pertaining to Roy C. Bates (Kurt Bauchwitz) date from 1890 to 1974 with later documents pertaining to Barbara Bates (third wife), which date through 1995. Included in the collection are many early documents such as birth certificates, early school documents, marriage certificates from Bates/Bauchwitz' first two marriages in Germany, as well as university and military service documents. Also in the collection are a number of documents which record Bates/Bauchwitz' legal career as well as his subsequent dismissal from his post by the Hitler regime in 1938. His period of flight from Nazi Germany is also well-documented, as well as his early years in the U.S., including his naturalization as a U.S. citizen in 1946. Also included in this section are documents pertaining to his university studies in the U.S. at Columbia, St. John's and New York Universities. Completing the biographical section of this series are a number of curriculum vita, several biographical statements prepared for planned editions of Bates' poetry, as well as a number of photographs.

The Capital Defender Office (1995-2008) (CDO) was established as part of New York States 1995 death penalty legislation which took effect on September 1, 1995. Under the new law, the State expanded the crime of first degree murder and introduced two new penalties, death and life in prison without possibility of parole, for those convicted. Working from offices in Albany, New York City, and Rochester, the CDO sought to ensure that defendants being tried by the State, who could not afford representation, receive skilled counsel in capital cases. The CDO closed its Rochester office in 2005, and, as no state death penalty cases remain, the Albany and New York City offices in 2008. This collection consists of news clips (filed by subject), subject files, bound records of appeal in the cases of the People v. Cahill, Harris, LaValle, Mateo, McCoy, and Taylor, notebooks with appellate briefs, New York county court papers arranged by county, government studies, reports and debates on capital punishment, annual reports, and a small number of VHS tapes recording court proceedings. There are defendant case files, some with correspondence, court papers, and news clips and others with just news clips.