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To celebrate its twentieth anniversary in 1993 and its twenty-fifth anniversary in 1998, UUP created an "Archives Room" at its Winter Delegate Assemblies those years. The twenty-fifth anniversary "Archives Room" used the photographs displayed in the twentieth anniversary "Archives Room", supplemented by additional photographs, mounted reproductions of documents, a mounted "time-line" identifying the officers and members of the Executive Board during each presidential administration, various artifacts, and a continuous-run slide projection of UUP photographs. The majority of the photographs are black and white prints, and are roughly arranged by date. Some of the photographs were displayed with captions and in addition to the photographs themselves, photocopies of the photographs with their captions are included in this series.


The Activities subseries consists primarily of publications, event announcements, writings, and art produced by campers, or counselors of Camp Woodland. Notable materials include copies of the Camp magazine, Neighbors; programs, announcements, news clippings, and correspondence related to the Folk Festival of the Catskills; ephemeral publications; and various creative writings. There also are materials about the Folk Museum.


The Activities subseries contains material produced by or involving the students of the Downtown Community School, as well as Norman Studer, beyond his administrative responsibilities. Materials include notes from field trips, graduation dramas, student writings, and Downtown Community School publications, the Downtowner and Scribbler. The Downtowner was an internally published periodical containing a calendar of events, an editorial from Studer, announcements, and student writings. The Scribbler differed in that it was solely composed of student writings from each grade level. This subseries is particularly strong in its representation of field trips sponsored by Studer, many of which were taken to the Catskill Mountains. The folders often include itineraries, curricular guides, local history and maps, as well as student reflections and drawings. Many of the Downtown Community School graduation dramas were predicated on the field trip experiences. Also of interest are a number of folders containing general student writings and drawings and a file on the successful 1965 efforts by the children to help save the historic Old Merchant's House in New York City from demolition.


The Administration subseries documents the functions of the director, Board of Trustees, and staff of Camp Woodland as they relate to the operation of the Camp. Materials include annual reports, meeting minutes, correspondence, litigation, counselor in training handbooks, as well as documents related to the Larkin Committee and an investigation of Norman Studer and Camp Woodland for possible subversive activities and ties to the Communist Party. The annual reports provide fiscal summary data related to the operation of the Camp, including, but not limited to, tuition costs, expenditures, operating costs, tax liability, fixed assets and accumulated depreciation, and accumulated funds. These reports were prepared by certified public accountants and record the fiscal state of Camp Woodland in great detail. The folder entitled "Board of Director's Dispute" documents an effort by three of Camp Woodland's founders and Board members - Mrs. Ferber, Mrs. Sydney, and Mrs. Abramson - to separate themselves, legally and financially, from the Camp. It is unclear what precipitated the dispute, but ultimately, it appears there were philosophical differences as well as divergent financial interests.


This subseries includes organizational information and information about the programs carried out by the local affiliates of MHANYS in New York state on the county and community level. Includes organizational information, correspondence, minutes of some local chapters' boards of directors, and feedback from the chapters to MHANYS on programs. Also includes affiliate guidelines and agreements records dealing with the creation of a regional mental health organization affiliated with MHANYS and NMHA and agreements between these affiliates and MHANYS regarding responsibilities and funding. The Affiliate Mail is an information exchange bulletin produced by MHANYS and sent to its affiliate chapters. The Public Information Project was carried out by MHANYS in 1985-1986 in connection with its local affiliates to increase public awareness of mental health issues. The Affiliate Survey was conducted by MHANYS of its local affiliates in order to develop an inventory that identifies present and future organizing activities and membership needs. The Staff Council folders include documents and correspondence relating to the meetings of the Staff Council, which was composed of the executive directors of local MHA chapters.


Administration, 1966-2000 0.25 cubic ft.

The Administration subseries includes: directories listing members of the MHANYS board of directors and identifying MHANYS local chapters across New York State; manuals and handbooks detailing duties of members of the Board of Directors; correspondence to and from board members; and a description of a board retreat.


Administration, 1990-1995 0.15 cubic ft.

The Administration subseries includes documents regarding the Alliance Education, Advocacy and Social Center, Syracuse, budget information on SHC and other MHANYS programs, a survey of self-help and mutual aid groups, and consultant information, and a job description for the director of Mental Self Help Clearinghouse.