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Eugen Spiro Papers, 1940-1972

3 cubic ft.
German-Jewish painter interned in the French concentration camp at Gurs, painted portraits of Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, and other notables. The collection includes correspondence, photographs of Spiro's artwork, and exhibit catalogues.
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The series is arranged in three sub-series: general correspondence of Eugen Spiro, 1903-1913 and 1941-1972; correspondence with owners and subjects of Spiro paintings; and correspondence of Lilly Spiro, primarily dating from the years after Eugen's death, 1972-1985. Among the noteworthy correspondents are: Tilla Durieux, Albert Einstein, George Grosz, Theodor Heuss, Otto Loewi, Thomas Mann, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Albert Schweitzer and Gottfried Reinhard Treviranus.

Melvin Urofsky Papers, 1850-1978, bulk 1870-1940

14.83 cubic ft.
The Melvin Urofsky Papers discuss his research and editing of his multi-volume series on the letters of Louis Brandeis. The papers consist of copies of Brandeis' letters, drafts of the volumes co-edited by Urofsky, and several of Urofsky's notebooks.
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The Melvin Urofsky Papers discuss his research and editing of his multi-volume series on the letters of Louis Brandeis. The papers consist of copies of Brandeis' letters, drafts of the volumes co-edited by Urofsky, and several of Urofsky's notebooks.

Socialist Party of The United States of America Dover, New Hampshire Local Records, 1894-1923

0.20 cubic ft.
The Socialist Party of the United States of America Dover, New Hampshire Local Records contain records that document the range of activities of the Local. Records include correspondence that highlight the contacts of the local and its place within the broader Socialist Party movement in the United States.
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Erich Hula Papers, 1900-1986

22 cubic ft.
A substantial portion of the Erich Hula Papers consists of his writings, both in typescript and published form. This includes his contributions to newspapers and journals as well as extensive notes from his research and for courses taught. The collection also contains correspondence files and biographical documents, and a large collection of reprints (and some typescripts) sent to and collected by Hula of colleagues and other scholars.
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This series contains a number of original documents from Austria, including birth, marriage and university documents, as well as correspondence, documents and several photographs associated with his long career as a member of the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research. Also present are correspondence and documents relating to Hula's Wiedergutmachung (restitution) and Austrian pension claims.

A substantial portion of the Erich Hula Papers consists of his writings, both in typescript and published form. This includes his contributions to newspapers and journals as well as extensive notes from his research and for courses taught. The collection also contains correspondence files and biographical documents, and a large collection of reprints (and some typescripts) sent to and collected by Hula of colleagues and other scholars.

Duncan Blanchard Papers, 1789-2003

35.8 cubic ft.
The Duncan Blanchard papers document Blanchards career as a research associate at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and as a senior research associate at the State University of New York at Albany.
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The Duncan Blanchard papers document Blanchards career as a research associate at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and as a senior research associate at the State University of New York at Albany.

Manuscripts, 1789-2003 9.8 cubic ft.

Series 1 contains materials Dr. Blanchard published while at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and the State University of New York at Albany as well as after his retirement. The topics covered by these publications include the history of science, water-to-air transfer, aerobiology, sea salt aerosols, volcanic electricity, and surface charge. There are also materials covering his studies of bubbles, water droplets, and rain. Along with his scientific publications, Dr. Blanchard also wrote letters to editors, comments and replies to articles, book reviews, obituaries, and autobiographical articles. Dr. Blanchard published materials from the early 1950s to the early 2000s but the majority of materials in are from 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

Dutton S. Peterson Papers, 1892-1965

105.44 cubic ft.
Dutton S. Peterson was born in Costello, Pennsylvania on December 10, 1894. Peterson served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War I and was a Methodist minister. Peterson was a member of the New York State Assembly from Schuyler County (1937-1942) and the New York State Senate (46th District 1953-1954, 50th District 1955-1964). Peterson died on October 20, 1964 and was buried at the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Odessa, New York. This collection contains materials relating to his time in the New York State Congress.
1 result in this collection
Dutton S. Peterson was born in Costello, Pennsylvania on December 10, 1894. Peterson served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War I and was a Methodist minister. Peterson was a member of the New York State Assembly from Schuyler County (1937-1942) and the New York State Senate (46th District 1953-1954, 50th District 1955-1964). Peterson died on October 20, 1964 and was buried at the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Odessa, New York. This collection contains materials relating to his time in the New York State Congress.

Office of the President Records, 1827 - 2017 July 17

427 cubic ft.
Administrative records from the Office of the President, which guides the overall direction and leadership of the school. This collection documents major university initiatives and trends since it's beginning in the 19th century.
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Edwin Adams et al v. William Rockefeller Records, 1889-1921

2.75 cubic ft.
Includes trial evidence, topical indexes to testimony, transcriptions of business records, legal briefs, and other materials compiled by V. N. Roadstrum of New York City, attorney for the J. P. Morgan Estate, in a 1915–18 lawsuit brought in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against William Rockefeller, the Executors of the J. P. Morgan Estate, and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company for "conspiracy to monopolize" railroad, streetcar, and water transportation of the "common-carrier business of transporting passengers and property" in New York, New Jersey, and New England.
1 result in this collection
Includes trial evidence, topical indexes to testimony, transcriptions of business records, legal briefs, and other materials compiled by V. N. Roadstrum of New York City, attorney for the J. P. Morgan Estate, in a 1915–18 lawsuit brought in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against William Rockefeller, the Executors of the J. P. Morgan Estate, and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company for "conspiracy to monopolize" railroad, streetcar, and water transportation of the "common-carrier business of transporting passengers and property" in New York, New Jersey, and New England.

E. Ogden Bush Papers, 1884, 1958-1965

9.6 cubic ft.
The E. Ogden Bush Papers document Bush's service as a New York State Senator in the early 1960s.
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Series 1 contains subject files covering a wide assortment of topics including conservation, education, various New York counties, and labor. Correspondence and news clippings are kept within the subject files. Miscellaneous files contain a small number of documents grouped together alphabetically by Senator Bush that were not extensive enough to have their own file.

Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection, 1754-2022

149.2 cubic ft.
For over six decades, Eugene G. Wanger created or collected the materials about capital punishment that comprise the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection. The collection includes a wide range of materials on the death penalty documenting its history, efforts to abolish or reinstate the practice, its psychological impact, compatibility on religious, moral or ethical grounds, and its operation.
1 result in this collection
For over six decades, Eugene G. Wanger created or collected the materials about capital punishment that comprise the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection. The collection includes a wide range of materials on the death penalty documenting its history, efforts to abolish or reinstate the practice, its psychological impact, compatibility on religious, moral or ethical grounds, and its operation.