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The Recording Secretary's minutes of meetings have some gaps. The earliest recorded minutes in this collection are from 1902. The minutes are generally limited to one or one and a half pages. The minutes record Club activities at their meetings. The number of members present is listed, sometimes along with an attendance list. Next the secretary records the introduction of a topic, the title of the paper, and the presenter. The secretary also records briefly the actions of the business meeting following the presentations. Included also in the Sub-series are the minutes of the Executive Committees meetings for 1910-1923. Attendance records appear as part of Secretary's Minutes, except for a folder of separate attendance entries for 1903-1916 and 1941-1957.


BWOW was involved with three major opposition campaigns to waste management facilities. Each one is arranged as a sub-series. Sub-series one is American Ref-Fuel/BFI's proposal in 1989 to build an incinerator on Cabbage Island in Bethlehem. Sub-series two is the proposal by Albany New York Solid Waste Energy Recovering System (ANSWERS) in 1991 to create a landfill in the town of Bethlehem or Coeymans. BWOW worked with environmental organizations in the town of Coeymans to prevent its development in either area. Sub-series three is the Energy Answers Corporation (EAC) proposed building of a waste management facility that included an incinerator on Cabbage Island or Green Island. On June 18, 1992 a referendum vote was held in Bethlehem and rejected EAC's proposal and banned the building of incinerators in Bethlehem.