Search Results

1. Akkermans, Henk with Jac Vennix, Etiënne Rouwette, "Participative Modeling To Facilitate Organizational Change: A Case Study"

2. Ali. K, Shoukath with Ramaswamy N., "Statistical Methods for Improving Confidence in System Dynamics Models - a Case Study on Blood Bank Inventory Management Systems"

3. Asheim, Leif Jarle with Dag Morris Mydland, "System Dynamics Analysis of the Development in Norwegian Rural Communities"

4. Barlas, Yaman, "Formal System Dynamics Education in Universities"

5. Breiter, Andres E., "Dynamics of a Successful Turn Around Strategy"

6. Camara, Antonio S. with Francisco Ferreria, Paulo Diogo, Pedro Goncalves, Joao P. Silva, "System Dynamics Modeling Using Multimedia"

7. Cecchini, Arnaldo with Filippo Viola, "Lucumia: A Gaming Simulation for the Analysis of Conflicts Mangement Processes"

8. Crespo Marques, Adolfo with Rafael Ruiz Usano, Ramon David Aznar, "Continuos and Discrete Simulation ina Production Planning System. A comparative Study"

9. Diaz S., F. Javier with Isaac Dyner, "Estimation, Validation and Stochasticity in a Model of Organizationsl Strategy"

10. Diehl, Ernst W., "Strategy Support Software: Enhancing Executive Dialogue & Debate"