Mora, J.C., "Simple Quantum Chaotic Model for Fluctuating Dissipative Systems", 1991


Energy dissipative systems are considered through a general approach. The one direction non-steady state equation for mass, heat and momentum transport shows that the energy used by system could be considered through “energy dissipation function”, comparable to the “wave function” used in Quantum Mechanics. A complex time scale is proposed. This permits to consider the fluctuations as being in a time scale which is different from our classical one. The non commutation of operators of the basic equation introduces quantification which supports the use of finite different equations instead of a differential equation. A discretized Chaotic Process is proposed as a model for actual systems. The example of a fluidized bed shows that quantum considerations through a ground dynamic state and an excited state could support the above proposal which is in agreement with the actual qualitative behaviour. The Chaotic Process can be put in agreement with the thermodynamics based principle when comparing the minimum energy dissipation of the actual system.

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  • 1991
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