Bae, Kyuhan with Young-Myung Choi, Ku-Hyun Jung, Dalgon Lee and Kwang Seok Lee, "Korea 2020: A Search for Balanced Future", 1991


The 21st century is already here (Drucker,1989). Many people predict the 21st century will be fundamentally different from the 20th century (Drucker, 1989; Niasbitt & Aburdene,1990). Looking back upon the past, Korea entered the 20thcentury lacking preparations in the midst of the nation’s internal and external conflicts and confusion. As a consequence, Korea went through several periods of stagnation and difficulty during the first half of the century. However, Korea began to demonstrate its remarkable potential for modernization and development since the early 1960’s. Within a quarter of a century, Korea has emerged as a developing nation rapidly approaching advanced status. Now, Korea is facing another turning point dividing the centuries. Her future depends on her determination and preparation today. The 1990’s is the time for her to make choices and decisions that will promote the prosperity of the nation and the unification of two Koreas. It’s the time to establish a more mature society. It’s the time we should consider the public's demand for quality of life. It’s the time to consider her natural environment deteriorating due to urbanization and industrialization. All this will be realized only through her devotion to the establishment of a society based on a vision of optimism.

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  • 1991
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