Dyner, Issac with Diana Muñoz and Alba M. Quintero, "Complexities in Periurban Dynamics", 1991


:Suburbs or areas in the periphery of the cities are troublesome to plan when urban growth takes place at fast rate. System Dynamics approach has been shown to be suitable to study Periurban Dynamics in spite all of all externalities in the system. Immigration, commerce and industry being some of the most important exogenous variables. Early experiments for small dormitory periurban region prove the techniques to be appropriate, but when commerce and industry dispute themselves, along with housing, for a share of land, the problem becomes complex and interesting. A simulation was carried out for the periurban commune of El Poblado, with a population of over 48000 inhabitants, in Medellin, Colombia. Good approximation was observed between historical data and model behavior. Few scenarios were explored in order to examine land-use policies.

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  • 1991
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