Lu,Yue with Xinhua Fu, "Economical Quality Analysis for Industrial Enterprises", 1991


In modern era, many system theories and methods have been applied in the industrial enterprise.  It is obvious that the quality problems, as one aspect of system, is the one deserving much more important considerations.There are many reasons for studying the quality problem as a system. For example, the enterprises pursued benefits by the way of high quality, although over- done quality is not the best. We should consider it as a system problem. There are many modern management theories such as IE (Industrial Engineering), QC (Quality Control), OR (Operation Research), ZD (zero - defect), PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). If these theories and methods can be applied under the thoughts of Economical Quality System Analysis, it will show the great potentiality.This paper applying the SD theory and method, declares the concept of EQS, attempting to achieve three goals; 1. To analyze the relationship among the Quality-- Cost -- Profit, and seek the best combination of these two factors: Quality and Benefits. 2. To discuss, the appropriate quality level, the combina-tion of Quality and benefit in the process of product design, manufacturing, and sales.3. To study the internal feedback structure, and the model of quality and benefit of industrial enterprises.

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  • 1991
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