Rensselaerville Summer Retreats/President's Planning Retreat, 1971-1991
- Extent:
- 4.66 cubic ft.
- Scope and content:
The retreats were begun in 1971 at the suggestion of former SUNY Chancellor Boyer to foster a common bond between public and independent colleges and universities. Subsequent to 1985 the retreats came to be known as President's Retreats. The series contains executive committee resolutions, correspondence, and reports from the Board of Regents, the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, the State Education Department, the American Council on Education. The contents focus upon particular issues in education: inter-institutional cooperation, 1971; political resolutions of education problems, 1972; student financial support, 1973; projecting college enrollments, 1974; the economics and politics of higher education management, 1975; what labor, government, and the community expect of higher education, 1976; resources for higher education, 1977; federal regulations, academic integrity, and public accountability, 1978; the state's stake in higher education, 1979; higher education and the New York economy, 1981; the role of the president in shaping the undergraduate curriculum, 1984; elevation of higher education among the state's priorities, 1986; connection of community service and college payment, 1989. The series also includes files on president's retreats.
- Arrangement:
Arranged chronologically.
Using these materials
- Access:
- The archives are open to the public and anyone is welcome to visit and view the collections.
- Collection restrictions:
- Access to this record group is unrestricted.
- Collection terms of access:
- The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of copyright. Whenever possible, the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives will provide information about copyright owners and other restrictions, but the legal determination ultimately rests with the researcher. Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the Head of Special Collections and Archives.