Numbered, 1950-2000
- Extent:
- 6.17 cubic ft.
- Scope and content:
This subseries contains the published writings of Ernest van den Haag arranged numerically by the number assigned each. This subseries represents the bulk of the collection and is one of the best sources for studying the philosophy of Ernest van den Haag. He wrote articles that cover a wide spectrum of political and social issues of his day. This subseries is unique in that it contains not only van den Haag's drafts, but in most cases the articles in their final published form, providing the researcher a glimpse of the contemporary context. These publications include drafts for books, reviews, chapters, and articles by van den Haag. The publications were assigned individual numbers probably reflecting the order of creation not the date of publication. The arrangement within each folder is as follows: the final published form of the article usually containing the periodical cover page, the contents page, and the article itself; correspondence, usually between van den Haag and the publisher, as well as any other related correspondence; rough drafts of the article, usually in order from oldest to newest; research material used in creation of the article as well as articles from other authors that represent debate over van den Haag's views and facts. Publication number 194 contains a letter from President Nixon thanking van den Haag for his balanced views on war crimes in Vietnam. Publication number 338 is an excellent example of the type of controversy surrounding some articles written by van den Haag. Publication number 439 contains a letter from Congressman Charles Rangel opposing Haag's views on the legalization of illegal drugs.
Note: Number assigned by the creator in the bibliography found in Series 1.
- Arrangement:
Arranged numerically.
Using these materials
- Access:
- The archives are open to the public and anyone is welcome to visit and view the collections.
- Collection restrictions:
- Access to this record group is unrestricted.
- Collection terms of access:
- The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of copyright. Whenever possible, the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives will provide information about copyright owners and other restrictions, but the legal determination ultimately rests with the researcher. Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the Head of Special Collections and Archives.