Old Songs Activities, 1977-2022
- Extent:
- 8.78 cubic ft.
- Scope and content:
Founded in 1977 by Bill and Andy Spence, Old Songs, Inc. is a not-for-profit, educational corporation that sponsors and hosts classes, workshops, performances, and more to promote traditional folk music and dance. Bill was a performer for Old Songs events and part of the folk group Fennig's All-Star Band on the hammered dulcimer. Andy Spence was executive director of the organization until 2018, when she became executive director emeritus, and served on the Board of Directors from the 1990s to 2017. This series consists of notebooks, flyers, correspondence, tickets, newsletters, records, magazines, posters, and more from activities and events occurring during Andy's time with the organization.
The biggest event held by Old Songs, Inc. was and still is the annual Old Songs Festival each June. The Old Songs Festival is a festival of folk, traditional, Celtic and world music and dance, sponsored and organized by Old Songs, Inc., bringing in musicians from around the globe. A large portion of this series is photographs and negatives from the annual festival and other performances. This festival was first held in Guilderland, N.Y. in 1981, before moving permanently to the fairgrounds in Altamont, New York the following year. Each June, thousands of folk music enthusiasts travel to the festival, often camping out, to enjoy an entire weekend of folk performances, classes, participatory workshops, dancing, crafts, games, vendors, children's activities, and food. Andy's festival planning notebooks (detailing the festival programs, guests, lodging, grounds, accommodations, etc.) are available in this series. In 1994, Old Songs embarked on a plan to sponsor the construction of an 18th century style Dutch barn on the Altamont fairgrounds to become the Center for Traditional Arts and Agriculture, with maps, site plans, and information on the old Dutch barn included here. The series contains A/V materials, including CDs, cassettes, VHS tapes, audio reels, DATs and more from the Old Songs Festivals.
Records of other activities held by Old Songs, Inc., which include band performances, musicals, instrumental classes, and dance workshops year-round, also are available in this series. Annual reports appear in this series as they list all festivals, concerts, dances, classes, camps, programs, and rentals, and not just expenses and income.
- Arrangement:
This series is arranged chronologically.
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- The archives are open to the public and anyone is welcome to visit and view the collections.
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- Access to this collection is unrestricted.
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