Files on individuals, Undated

Scope and content:

Julius Bab, Horst Baerensprung, Hans Baron, Erna Barschak, Bernard Baruch, Maximilian Beck, George Bernhard, Egon Vitalis Biel, Kurt Bondy, Hermann Borchardt, Wolfgang Born, Max Brauer, Bertolt Brecht, Hermann Broch, Max Brod, Warner F. Brook, Babette B. Buch, Karl and Charlotte Buhler, Josef Bunzel, Ertist Cassirer, Frederick Cohen, Julius Epstein, Toni (Devora) Ginzburg, Francis.Golffing, Friedrich Sally Grosshut, Bernard Guillemin, Ivan Heilbut, Erich von Kahler, Kurt Kersten, Guido Kisch, Alwin Kronacher, Karl Loewith, Jacob Picard, Robert Pick, Fritz Redlich, Werner Richter, Franz Schoenberner, Karl Schueck, Gerhart Seger, Wilhelm Speyer, Ludwig Ullmann, Johannes Urzidil, Veit Valentin, Berthold Viertel, Ernst Waldinger, Karl Weigl, Walter A. Weisskopf, Stefan Wolpe, Otto Zoff.

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Please note that the rights to items photocopied (Series 1-3) should be obtained from Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota.

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