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Includes agendas, minutes, annual reports, reports to the Senate, and correspondence. The Research Council is empowered to review research activities, to consider ways in which the University can increase the effectiveness of its research activities, to review procedures of research conducted on campus when human subjects are involved, to set safety standards, and to allocate research funds within the university.


Correspondence, information regarding crisis situation and demonstrations regarding the lack of a contract; subject files for particular issues under consideration in contract; and table-taken notes of chief negotiator Thomas Matthews. Omitted were materials from past negotiations, such as the transcripts from the 1991-1995 negotiations sessions and copies of past state and UUP proposals, that Matthews had in his files, but which are available in Series 1 of this Subgroup.


This series contains agendas and minutes (1972-98) and reports to the Senate (1972-82). The Council considers problems and recommends policies concerning matters of academic freedom and standards of professional ethics both inside and outside the university community (Faculty Handbook, 1984, p 25.) The Council on Academic Freedom and Ethics deals with matters concerning student grievances and professional codes of ethics. The predecessor of the Council on Academic Freedom and Ethics was the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Faculty Council (Faculty Handbook, 1962, p. 16).


This series includes agendas and minutes, annual reports, bills and resolutions, correspondence, and reports to the Senate. The responsibilities of the Library Council include establishing policies for the library and guidelines for its development and selecting candidates for the Excellence in Librarianship Award ( Faculty Handbook , 1984, p. 26). The Council has considered policy measures regarding the schedule for fines, budget planning, growth of library, acquisition and circulation, and providing searching on bibliographic utilities. In 1988, the title of the Council was changed from Library Council to Council on Libraries, Computing and Information Systems, and its responsibilities were expanded to "review plans for and recommend policies for the development and operation of informational systems and technology as well as for library facilities" ( Faculty Handbook , 1989-90, p. 25).


This series consists of publications about environmental issues and geographic regions outside of New York. Reports are authored by federal, state, county and city governments and their agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations. Publications discuss broader national issues such as chemicals in local communities, transportation and American rivers. However, the majority of reports address specific geographic areas and their respective problems. This includes pollution in Alaska, Great Lakes water quality and overall health, wildlife habitat in Illinois, toxic pollution in Rhode Island, and fauna and sediments in the Detroit River. Files also may include supplemental materials related to the respective report such as an accompanying cover letter.


Advertisements produced by UUP to coincide with sessions of the state legislature and to raise public awareness of SUNY's needs. Campaigns often focused on the impact of budget cuts on SUNY students and the impact the SUNY system has on the future of New York State. Some "legislative giveaways" carrying the legislative campaign message, as well as some oversized versions of various campaigns are included with the memorabilia in Series 9 of this Subgroup. Television and radio advertisements that accompanied various advertising campaigns are included in the video and audio tapes in Series 6 of this Subgroup. Tentative dates were assigned for some of the materials in this subseries based on information provided by members of UUP's Communications Department.


This series contains agendas, minutes, correspondence, budget proposals, reports to the Senate, reports from sub-committees and other councils and memoranda relating to the council's responsibility for the oversight of campus planning and for the establishment of educational priorities. The council participates in the formulation and execution of the campus budget and evaluates the educational performance of the University as a whole and of its various components ( Faculty Handbook , 1984, pp. 18-19). Issues under consideration by the council include the budget, academic regulations, the curriculum, faculty work load, teaching excellence, enrollment and class size. The Council was originally created by the Graduate Council as a standing committee in 1961/62. The Council has three standing Committees, the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Resource Advisory Committee (formerly the Resource Allocation Committee), and the Evaluation Policy Committee (formerly the Program Evaluation Committee).


This series includes agendas, minutes, annual reports, reports to the Senate, bills and resolutions, and correspondence. This series also includes the records of the Interfaith Committee and the International Students Committee. The Council's concerns are to develop policies necessary to establish and maintain extracurricular programs and to make recommendations concerning University policy affecting student activities in these programs ( Faculty Handbook , 1984, p. 23). The Student Affairs council has dealt with the issues of campus relations, university communications (1971), alumni affairs, alcohol policy, student conduct, inspection of student housing (1973), policy regarding student records, campus ambulance service (1972-1973), and the SUNYA judicial system (1972-80). The Student Affairs Council was the successor to the Student Personnel Council, a college council independent of the Faculty Council ( Faculty Handbook , 1962, p. 20).