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Anna E. Pierce Papers, 1884-1983

0.5 cubic ft.
Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.
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Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.

Annual Reports Collection, 1844-2005

0.83 cubic ft.
Collection is made up of annual reports from the Executive Committee and President of the College as well as several reports presented to the President of the College.
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Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974

14.67 cubic ft.
The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 181
The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).

The materials in this series document Brecht's life and career, both in Germany before 1933, as well as after his arrival in the United States. This series contains a number of documents relating to Brecht's career as Counsellor in the Reich Ministries of Justice (1910-1917) and Economics (1918), and the Reich Chancellry (1918-1921), as well as Ministerial Director in the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1921-1927) and various other ministries including the Prussian State Ministry and Finance Ministry (1927-1933), until his final dismissal by Hitler in 1933. Also included in this series are materials related to Brecht's activities as Expert to the Secretary of the Army (1948), as well as materials pertaining to HICOG (High Commissioner for Germany).

Autograph Book Collection, 1857-1890

0.75 cubic ft.
Collection is made up of autograph books from the New York State Normal School.
3 results in this collection

Bernard Vonnegut Papers, 1828-1997

39.04 cubic ft.
The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials
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The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials

Norman Studer Papers, 1817-2012

18.84 cubic ft.
The Norman Studer Papers document his career as both an educator and ardent Catskill folklorist. The collection includes significant material relating to his work as director of the Downtown Community School in New York City and Camp Woodland in the Catskills.
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This series contains Norman Studer's curriculum vitae, a partial autobiography, a brief biography, memorial tributes, family photographs, family records, and correspondence. The correspondence has been identified by correspondent's name only when the volume or significance warrants such separation; however, the bulk of the correspondence is arranged chronologically. Notable correspondents include Pete and Toshi Seeger and David Dunaway, Seeger's biographer as well as a former Camp Woodland camper.

The Norman Studer Papers document his career as both an educator and ardent Catskill folklorist. The collection includes significant material relating to his work as director of the Downtown Community School in New York City and Camp Woodland in the Catskills.

Robert Rienow Papers, 1875-1984, bulk 1955-1979

15.72 cubic ft.
Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).
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This series contains papers pertaining to Robert Rienow and his family. Included are Rienow's military records from his World War II service in the United States Army and from the New York National Guard. These include discharge papers, appointment papers, immunization records, correspondence and memos. Also found in this series are legal documents and financial records from the estate of Rienow's uncle in Wisconsin, Fred Rienow. Rienow's education is documented through class notes and papers from West Point and from Columbia University, where he completed his Ph.D. There are several folders of brochures, news clippings, and souvenirs from Rienow's travels, including trips to Europe and the Midwest.

Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).

Fred R. Brown Papers, 1882-1966

8 cubic ft.
Methodist missionary and science teacher in the Kiansi Province of China from 1910 to 1931. He and his wife, a fellow missionary, later settled in DeWitt, New York.
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B.L. Crosby Papers, 1887-1888

.10 cubic ft.
This collection contains a photograph album depicting the buidling of Nebraska City's (Nebraska) pontoon bridge spanning the Missouri River in 1887 and 1888.
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Boston and Maine Railroad Company Records, 1889-1904

4 Vol.
This collection includes late 19th and early 20th century accident reports of the Boston and Maine Railroad.
1 result in this collection