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John E. Kingston of Westbury, Nassau County, NY was born in 1920. Kingston was commonly known as Jack Kingston. He was a Republican member of the New York State Assembly, 1960-1974 (Nassau County 3rd District 1960-1965, 16th District 1966, 17th District 1967-1972, 15th District 1973-1974); a district judge in New York, 1990-1994; and a Justice of the New York Supreme Court, 1995. Kingston died on May 5, 1996, with interment at Nassau Knolls Cemetery, Port Washington, Long Island, NY.
The John H. E. Fried Papers consist of his professional correspondence, copies of his published and unpublished writings (manuscripts, typescripts, reprints and books), texts of numerous speeches and lectures (published and unpublished), personal documents, teaching materials, as well as Fried's research collections on topics relating to global human rights problems and remedies.
The John H. Herz Papers consist of documents and autobiographical materials, professional and personal correspondence, copies of Herz's published and unpublished writings, texts of numerous speeches and lectures, teaching materials, as well as Herz's research collections on topics relating to his writings and lectures.
This collection includes correspondence with Sen. Jonathan Bourne, Jr. (chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads) and A. S. Burleson (U.S. Postmaster General), maps, and other materials pertaining to the establishment of the U.S. Postal Service parcel post zoning areas sent by John H. Robinson.