Raymond Falconer Papers, 1942-1999

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The Raymond Falconer Papers document Falconer's work in the fields of atmospheric science and meteorology, as well as his time at the Atmospheric Science Research Center (ASRC).
96 cubic ft.
English .
Preferred citation:

Preferred citation for this material is as follows: Identification of specific item, series, box, folder, Raymond Falconer Papers, 1942-1999. M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University at Albany, State University of New York (hereafter referred to as the Falconer Papers).


Scope and content:

This collection documents the professional career of Raymond Falconer, from his employment at the General Electric Laboratories to his time with the University's Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC). This collection documents the wide breadth of activities that Falconer was engaged in over his long career in atmospheric science and meteorology.

Many of the files in this collection relate to the various research projects conducted by the University's Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) during Falconer's time affiliated with it. Most of those files within this collection relate to projects that Falconer himself managed, including his work at the ASRC's Whiteface Mountain Field Station. These files include film reels, correspondence, memoranda, contracts and budget materials related to the administration of various ASRC projects.

The collection also documents his activities outside of the ASRC. These include his meteorological measurements taken at Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire, research reports from his time with the General Electric Weather Bureau in Schenectady, his work on Project Cirrus, and files related to his work under Vincent Schaefer with the Munitalp Foundation. Also included are a variety of publications held by Falconer, including scientific reports, dissertations, and conference reports from organizations he was affiliated with, including the Eastern Snow Conference.

The Falconer Papers also feature many files related to Falconer's work as a weather forecaster. These include weather reports and measurements from various locations that Falconer worked at from the late 1940s into the 1990s. These files include scripts from Falconer's radio show, listener correspondence, printouts of meteorological data, almanac figures and weather and climate data used by Falconer as part of the weather reports he delivered. Finally, the collection contains files related to the Falconer Natural History Lecture Series, primarily correspondence with speakers and the Research Foundation.

Biographical / historical:

Raymond Falconer is a meteorologist and atmospheric researcher. Falconer was hired as the first full-time employee at the State University of New York at Albany's Atmospheric Science Research Center (ASRC) in 1961 and worked with its founder Vincent Schaefer for many years. He was the first manager of the ASRC's Whiteface Mountain Observatory, which is still in use today. Prior to his work at the Center, Falconer had acted as a weather observer on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire and worked under Nobel Prize Winner Irving Langmuir at General Electric Research Laboratory on the Project Cirrus cloud seeding program. Falconer also became known for his weather reports delivered over the air throughout the Capital Region. He also developed an annual lecture series to spur interest in the environmental sciences in the general public. This series has since been renamed in his honor and is now known as the Falconer Natural History Lecture Series.

Acquisition information:
All items in this collection were transferred to the University Libraries, M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives.
Processing information:

Collection-level description created in 2019 by Miles Lawlor.


Collection was maintained in the original order after it was transferred.

Physical location:
The materials are located onsite in the department.
Rules or conventions:
Describing Archives: A Content Standard

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The archives are open to the public and anyone is welcome to visit and view the collections.

Access to this collection is unrestricted.

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The M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collection and Archives is eager to hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that appropriate information may be provided in the future.

Preferred citation:

Preferred citation for this material is as follows: Identification of specific item, series, box, folder, Raymond Falconer Papers, 1942-1999. M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University at Albany, State University of New York (hereafter referred to as the Falconer Papers).

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