Collections : [University Archives]

University Archives

University Archives

Records that document the history of the University at Albany, SUNY and its predecessor schools.
The University Archives documents the history of the University at Albany, SUNY from its origin in 1844 as the New York State Normal School to train teachers for New York State to its present status as a comprehensive research university. The department collects, manages, and provides access to permanent university records for research use. This includes the administrative records of the university, student groups, faculty, alumni, and affiliated organizations. Collecting and preserving university records documents our history and promotes transparency and accountability.

Search Results

Alumni Quarterly Collection, 1919-1967

1.49 cubic ft.
Collection is made up of the Alumni Quarterly, a publication made for and by Alumni of the State College For Teachers, published between 1919 and 1967.
1 result in this collection

Anna E. Pierce Papers, 1884-1983

0.5 cubic ft.
Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 9
Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.

The Milne School Records, 1890-2004

32.44 cubic ft.
This collection contains materials from the Milne School related to administrative activities from faculty and staff, as well as records pertaining to student activities from various clubs and publications.
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Contains reports arranged chronologically from 1932-1977. The reports for 1941-42 for 1946-47, and 1972-73 are missing. Includes budget requests. Contents of reports include departmental studies, proposals for changes, budget requests for the next school year and overall summaries of the events of the year.

This collection contains materials from the Milne School related to administrative activities from faculty and staff, as well as records pertaining to student activities from various clubs and publications.

Annual Reports Collection, 1844-2005

0.83 cubic ft.
Collection is made up of annual reports from the Executive Committee and President of the College as well as several reports presented to the President of the College.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 9

Bernard Vonnegut Papers, 1828-1997

39.04 cubic ft.
The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 262
The Bernard Vonnegut Papers document Vonnegut's career as a researcher in the field of atmospheric science with a focus on his time at GE, Arthur Little, and the State University of New York at Albany. The collection includes technical memoranda, research, data, inventions and patent forms, equipment specifications, drawings, figures, handwritten notes, manuscripts, reports, correspondence, publicity materials, course materials, news clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and audio/video materials

This series documents the Project Cirrus program, a weather modification initiative undertaken by GE along with the United States Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research, and the United States Air Force, with general oversight handled by the Department of Defense. As part of the effort, Dr. Vonnegut discovered that AgI, Silver Iodide, was a superior nucleation agent. This discovery significantly influenced the science of artificial precipitation and this method came to be adopted as the chief means of "rain making".

Robert Rienow Papers, 1875-1984, bulk 1955-1979

15.72 cubic ft.
Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).
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This series contains papers pertaining to Robert Rienow and his family. Included are Rienow's military records from his World War II service in the United States Army and from the New York National Guard. These include discharge papers, appointment papers, immunization records, correspondence and memos. Also found in this series are legal documents and financial records from the estate of Rienow's uncle in Wisconsin, Fred Rienow. Rienow's education is documented through class notes and papers from West Point and from Columbia University, where he completed his Ph.D. There are several folders of brochures, news clippings, and souvenirs from Rienow's travels, including trips to Europe and the Midwest.

Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).

Campus Directories Collection, 1925-2006

2.06 cubic ft.
This collection is made up of directories to campus faculty and staff at the new York State College of Teachers and the University at Albany.
2 results in this collection

Department of African American Studies Records, 1968-1976

2.33 cubic ft.
The Department of African American studies documents the papers and administrative processes of the development and implementation of an African American Studies department at the University at Albany in the late 1960s to the late 1970s.

University at Albany, SUNY Alumni Memorabilia Collection, 1845-2014

12.21 cubic ft.
The collection documents the day-to-day student life at the University at Albany and its predecessor institutions, including the State Normal School (1844-1890), the New York State Normal College (1890-1914), the New York State College for Teachers (1914-1959), and the State University of New York at Albany (1962-1986).
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 49
The collection documents the day-to-day student life at the University at Albany and its predecessor institutions, including the State Normal School (1844-1890), the New York State Normal College (1890-1914), the New York State College for Teachers (1914-1959), and the State University of New York at Albany (1962-1986).

Commencement Programs Collection, 1857-2019

2 cubic ft.
This collection is made up of programs for commencement ceremonies at the University at Albany.
2 results in this collection