Collections : [University Archives]

University Archives

University Archives

Records that document the history of the University at Albany, SUNY and its predecessor schools.
The University Archives documents the history of the University at Albany, SUNY from its origin in 1844 as the New York State Normal School to train teachers for New York State to its present status as a comprehensive research university. The department collects, manages, and provides access to permanent university records for research use. This includes the administrative records of the university, student groups, faculty, alumni, and affiliated organizations. Collecting and preserving university records documents our history and promotes transparency and accountability.

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This series documents the Project Cirrus program, a weather modification initiative undertaken by GE along with the United States Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research, and the United States Air Force, with general oversight handled by the Department of Defense. As part of the effort, Dr. Vonnegut discovered that AgI, Silver Iodide, was a superior nucleation agent. This discovery significantly influenced the science of artificial precipitation and this method came to be adopted as the chief means of "rain making".

The Raymond Falconer Papers document Falconer's work in the fields of atmospheric science and meteorology, as well as his time at the Atmospheric Science Research Center (ASRC).

This series contains a number of files documenting the activities of the Office of Institutional Research. This includes university profiles, and prepared presentations and reports on a number of different topics including staff salaries, staff workload analyses, enrollment projections, degree awarding trends, five year plans, student outcome assessments and the Student Information Retrieval System (SIRS) implemented in the 1980s. This series also includes departmental correspondence interspersed throughout.

Richard A, Myren was a Dean of the School of Criminal Justice at Albany. This collection includes correspondence, research data, and retained records of Richard A. Myren at the University of North Carolina, 1952-1956; Indiana University, 1955-1966; and as Dean of the School of Criminal Justice at Albany, 1966-1974.
Correspondence with publishers and environmental groups including the Constitutional Council for Forest Preserves, 1970–71; Defenders of Wildlife, 1970–76; Albany Environmental Council, 1965–76; draft manuscripts and typescripts, 1956–79, of texts, scholarly and popular articles and books relating to local, state, national, and international government and to environmental issues such as the anti-nuclear movement, forest preservation, wildlife preservation, the Adirondack Mountains, lecture notes taken as a student and given to his classes, 1930–70, scripts for his television series "Man Against His Environment", 1970–71, drafts of speeches on environmental concerns, tape cassettes on environmental issues created as staff lecturer for the Center for Cassette Studies, clippings files on government and environmental issues, photographs of Rienow and his wife. Robert Rienow was educated at Carthage College (B.A., 1930), and Columbia University (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1937), served as Instructor, 1936–41, Assistant Professor, 1941–47, and Professor, 1947–80, of Social Science at the State University of New York at Albany, now the University at Albany. Through out his career Rienow maintained an active interest in environmental issues and a belief in the need to popularize issues of public concern. (See also papers of his wife Leona Train Rienow).