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Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), Hudson Valley Area Joint Board Records, 1919-1990, Undated

13.43 cubic ft.
The Hudson Valley Area Joint Board was formed in 1957 through the merger of the Columbia County and Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Boards. At that point, the two joint boards were affiliated of the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), which merged with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ACWA) in 1976 to form the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU). The collection documents the organization, administration, and activities of the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board and its predecessor organizations.
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The Hudson Valley Area Joint Board was formed in 1957 through the merger of the Columbia County and Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Boards. At that point, the two joint boards were affiliated of the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), which merged with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ACWA) in 1976 to form the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU). The collection documents the organization, administration, and activities of the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board and its predecessor organizations.

This series contains records related to the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board. This series is divided into four sub-series. The first sub-series contains the subjetc files of the Joint Board. The second sub-series contains records relating to the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), also known as the Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Workers Union (ACTWU). The third sub-series cotnains local chapter files and the fourth sub-series is contains records associated with the union councils of the AFL-CIO.


This sub-series contains the subject files of the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board. Included in the subject files are records relating to the organization of the Board, arbitration documents, contracts, correspondence, meeting minutes, and bylaws and constitutions. This series also contains records relating to the Berkshire Joint Board, which the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board oversaw until it left in 1969 to join the Conneticut Joint Board. This series also contains buttons that were worn by the union members to show political support.

American Association of University Women, Albany Branch Records, 1913-1992

5.9 cubic ft.
These records document the history of the Albany Branch of the American Association of University Women from 1913 - 1992. The records relate chiefly to women's issues; particularly higher education, general education, membership, international relations, legislation, World War II, employment, teaching, community projects and Albany, NY.
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The Albany Branch of the AAUW Executive Board (or Board of Directors) is made up of elected officers including the president, two vice presidents, two secretaries, treasurer, and two directors. The purpose of the Executive Board is to carry on the business and administer to the affairs of the branch, establish special task forces and committees and submit the annual budget to the branch. The Minutes of The Executive Board generally run from 1938-1965 and from 1984-1991, and contain the following gaps: 1939, 1941-1947, 1957-1959 and 1966-1983.


The General Meetings of the Albany Branch of the AAUW meet monthly and are open to the public. The meetings comprise the major social outlet of the branch serving to attract new members. The General Meetings are generally held at public meeting places at which the officers relay branch news and proposed activities to the members. Guest speakers are often invited to share their knowledge with the branch community at the General Meetings. Guest lecturers are typically established professionals from the Albany community. Speech topics tend to reflect current social issues and their impact on women and society. The minutes contain the following gaps: 1965-1985, and 1987. The available documentation spanning the years from 1986-1991, are very sparse, however.

American Council for Émigrés in the Professions Records, 1930-1974

10 cubic ft.
Chiefly, correspondence, memoranda, resumes, and other materials of the American Council for Émigrés in the Professions (ACEP).
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Julius Bab, Horst Baerensprung, Hans Baron, Erna Barschak, Bernard Baruch, Maximilian Beck, George Bernhard, Egon Vitalis Biel, Kurt Bondy, Hermann Borchardt, Wolfgang Born, Max Brauer, Bertolt Brecht, Hermann Broch, Max Brod, Warner F. Brook, Babette B. Buch, Karl and Charlotte Buhler, Josef Bunzel, Ertist Cassirer, Frederick Cohen, Julius Epstein, Toni (Devora) Ginzburg, Francis.Golffing, Friedrich Sally Grosshut, Bernard Guillemin, Ivan Heilbut, Erich von Kahler, Kurt Kersten, Guido Kisch, Alwin Kronacher, Karl Loewith, Jacob Picard, Robert Pick, Fritz Redlich, Werner Richter, Franz Schoenberner, Karl Schueck, Gerhart Seger, Wilhelm Speyer, Ludwig Ullmann, Johannes Urzidil, Veit Valentin, Berthold Viertel, Ernst Waldinger, Karl Weigl, Walter A. Weisskopf, Stefan Wolpe, Otto Zoff.

Anna E. Pierce Papers, 1884-1983

0.5 cubic ft.
Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.
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Namesake of Pierce Hall, she served as Dean of Women from 1913-1933, supported the construction of dorms for women and aided the institutionalization of in loco parentis.

Dorothy L. Sweeney Papers, 1941-2004

0.66 cubic ft.
Dorothy (nee Langley) Sweeney graduated from St. Mary's Institute in Amsterdam, New York in 1941. After graduation, Sweeney accepted an office position at General Electric in Schenectady. In her off hours she spent time at WGY, GE's AM radio station, where her brother Edward Langley acted and wrote for the station's dramatic productions. She later worked at WGY and in radio in New York City. Sweeney provided sound effects for several programs and her scripts from this work form the bulk of this collection.
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Sweeney, Dorothy L., 1923-
Dorothy (nee Langley) Sweeney graduated from St. Mary's Institute in Amsterdam, New York in 1941. After graduation, Sweeney accepted an office position at General Electric in Schenectady. In her off hours she spent time at WGY, GE's AM radio station, where her brother Edward Langley acted and wrote for the station's dramatic productions. She later worked at WGY and in radio in New York City. Sweeney provided sound effects for several programs and her scripts from this work form the bulk of this collection.

The Milne School Records, 1890-2004

32.44 cubic ft.
This collection contains materials from the Milne School related to administrative activities from faculty and staff, as well as records pertaining to student activities from various clubs and publications.
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Contains reports arranged chronologically from 1932-1977. The reports for 1941-42 for 1946-47, and 1972-73 are missing. Includes budget requests. Contents of reports include departmental studies, proposals for changes, budget requests for the next school year and overall summaries of the events of the year.

This collection contains materials from the Milne School related to administrative activities from faculty and staff, as well as records pertaining to student activities from various clubs and publications.

Annual Reports Collection, 1844-2005

0.83 cubic ft.
Collection is made up of annual reports from the Executive Committee and President of the College as well as several reports presented to the President of the College.
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Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Alpha Chapter Records, 1940-1992

1.2 cubic ft.
The Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Alpha Chapter Records contain documents related to the formation and activities of the Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at the University at Albany.
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This series includes the various reports which the University at Albany submitted to the Phi Beta Kappa organization between 1950 and 1974, as well as the memorandums, correspondence, and notes related to the generation of those application materials. Also included are some printed materials about Phi Beta Kappa used as reference material during this process. This series also contains similar records relating to the establishment of the Alpha Alpha chapter once the application was accepted.

City of Newburgh Urban Renewal Collection, 1935-2000

99.5 cubic ft.
This collection contains materials from the City of Newburgh Engineering Department and the Newburgh Urban Renewal Agency, documenting the City's redevelopment efforts in the mid-late 20th century.
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Appraisals, 1935-1987 21 cubic ft.


This series contains appraisal documents of commercial and residential properties in Newburgh from NYR-189 and NYA-10 with full specifications on most of the residential lots (physical condition, measurements, and information on the owners). The documents also include photographs of the properties. A very small number of files related to apprisals are also located in the Administrative series.

Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974

14.67 cubic ft.
The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).
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The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).

The materials in this series document Brecht's life and career, both in Germany before 1933, as well as after his arrival in the United States. This series contains a number of documents relating to Brecht's career as Counsellor in the Reich Ministries of Justice (1910-1917) and Economics (1918), and the Reich Chancellry (1918-1921), as well as Ministerial Director in the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1921-1927) and various other ministries including the Prussian State Ministry and Finance Ministry (1927-1933), until his final dismissal by Hitler in 1933. Also included in this series are materials related to Brecht's activities as Expert to the Secretary of the Army (1948), as well as materials pertaining to HICOG (High Commissioner for Germany).